Nellie, so glad you are moving back ~ so sorry for your loss on both tragedies. You know we love you and keep you in our prayers....
I love this quote:
"When our wagon gets stuck in the mud, God is much more likely to assist the man who gets out to push than the man who merely raises his voice in prayer—no matter how eloquent the oration."
— Dieter F. Uchtdorf
You, Nellie, do this. You push on --- you get out and push and work for the next great thing to come your way.
“Often the deep valleys of our PRESENT will be UNDERSTOOD only by LOOKING BACK on them from the mountains of our FUTURE experience. Often we can’t see the LORD’S HAND in our lives until long after the trials have passed. Often the most difficult times of our lives are ESSENTIAL building blocks that form the FOUNDATION of ourCHARACTER and pave the way to FUTURE opportunity, understanding, and happiness."
— Dieter F. Uchtdorf
you, Nellie, will look back at this and know that YOU have pressed on and have remembered and have been well educated in your past sorrows... and will be able to comfort those in need of comfort and weep with those in need of weeping... and you will understand them - heart and soul.
(I think all of us Bradford girls are learning things in such a way that other's have not.... it's difficult, but as mom told me once --- because she had been where I was treading, she was able to empathize with me... instead of sympathize for me. and I loved that--- so will those whom seek help and comfort from you... and Bon... and Annie)
Needless to say, I for one am not talented with the edger, thus I have been for ever grounded from using this fine machinery any time in this life.
(look at my age spots on my hand. I swear I am only 38.... my hands would say otherwise)
In my last post I think I sounded unappreciative about living here.... I didn't mean to sound that way at all... they have been absolutely amazing for us - to us and this home. I just don't want them to think we are overstaying our welcome is all. It has been over 3 and a half years. It's truly amazing how time has blinked by.
I walked an uphill path today - listening to classical music and a church album that has 2 songs that I absolustly love.... this path reminds me of Pride and Prejudice.....
I thought it would be lovely to dress in beautiful assembles and stroll up here for a picnic of tea and krumpits, and a nap. (meanwhile worrying about ticks making their way into our skin..... I'm not paranoid. I swear it!)
I'm trying. trying to lose some unwanted fluff - taking my 2 excedrine for back pain every day... switching to diet coke... not eating past 6 (ok... so 7 is more like it, but who's keeping track.. really.?) -- going for brisk walks and adding a few sprints along the way.
see you.
I love this quote:
"When our wagon gets stuck in the mud, God is much more likely to assist the man who gets out to push than the man who merely raises his voice in prayer—no matter how eloquent the oration."
— Dieter F. Uchtdorf
You, Nellie, do this. You push on --- you get out and push and work for the next great thing to come your way.
“Often the deep valleys of our PRESENT will be UNDERSTOOD only by LOOKING BACK on them from the mountains of our FUTURE experience. Often we can’t see the LORD’S HAND in our lives until long after the trials have passed. Often the most difficult times of our lives are ESSENTIAL building blocks that form the FOUNDATION of ourCHARACTER and pave the way to FUTURE opportunity, understanding, and happiness."
— Dieter F. Uchtdorf
you, Nellie, will look back at this and know that YOU have pressed on and have remembered and have been well educated in your past sorrows... and will be able to comfort those in need of comfort and weep with those in need of weeping... and you will understand them - heart and soul.
(I think all of us Bradford girls are learning things in such a way that other's have not.... it's difficult, but as mom told me once --- because she had been where I was treading, she was able to empathize with me... instead of sympathize for me. and I loved that--- so will those whom seek help and comfort from you... and Bon... and Annie)
Bons... breaks my heart that Chloe is having a hard time - she is a cutie pie. As for the grass edger... when we were in Arizona, Mike would be busy @ the golf course {all of the time} not leaving a lot of extra time for him to do the mowing of the grass which would grow faster than the hair on my legs. So I took on the job of pushing the lawnmower and making the grass golf course perfect. (ha. ha. ha.) then --- came the edging. If crop circles on the edges of the lawn were in the latest "grass fashion" @ the time, our lawn would have won many awards - flashing signs adorned w/ wreaths of flowers would have covered the crop circles that made their way around the edge of the front of our desert sand colored home (as dad would like to put it).
Needless to say, I for one am not talented with the edger, thus I have been for ever grounded from using this fine machinery any time in this life.
David and I have been rushing Mike through the Harry Potter movies, to which Mike has responded, "this makes almost no sense to me" - his work has rented out 2 movie theaters for their employees to watch the movie for free this weekend. I kept urging him to just read the books, or @ least check the cd's from the library and listen to them in the car, at work, or at home. Tonight we watched 2 of them - the last 2. Dave is obsessed with them - and was my back up while trying to break down the meaning of each segmant I was fast forwarding through..... which was fine, except his explanations tend to carry on - and on - and on - and on.................................. until we finally shush him, to which he has to let at least 10 more words slip out of his lips before his analysis is complete...................................................................................
after attempting the pool yesterday - and finding no parking spaces (Syd and Dave are getting too "cool" to hit the pool w/ the Pudge and I) my little man and I had a date at the icee bench... which backs up to a ghastly parking lot on one side, and a horendous street on the other. Still, we sat with our spiderman and lightening McQueen icees and chatted about stuff......
(look at my age spots on my hand. I swear I am only 38.... my hands would say otherwise)
In my last post I think I sounded unappreciative about living here.... I didn't mean to sound that way at all... they have been absolutely amazing for us - to us and this home. I just don't want them to think we are overstaying our welcome is all. It has been over 3 and a half years. It's truly amazing how time has blinked by.
I walked an uphill path today - listening to classical music and a church album that has 2 songs that I absolustly love.... this path reminds me of Pride and Prejudice.....
I thought it would be lovely to dress in beautiful assembles and stroll up here for a picnic of tea and krumpits, and a nap. (meanwhile worrying about ticks making their way into our skin..... I'm not paranoid. I swear it!)
I'm trying. trying to lose some unwanted fluff - taking my 2 excedrine for back pain every day... switching to diet coke... not eating past 6 (ok... so 7 is more like it, but who's keeping track.. really.?) -- going for brisk walks and adding a few sprints along the way.
see you.
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