Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer's Over

I can't believe summer's basically over! I can tell Dan is really ready to be done. His team has dwindled down to three guys. This has been the toughest summer, as far as problems w/ team members, for him. 

We're leaving early next week to go back to Utah, although I'm still not sure where we're going to live. 
Dan and I have completely different opinions on living situations. He likes apartments, not having to do yardwork, and hates anything that resembles "vintage." I, on the other hand, am done with apartments (unless he decides to move us to a big city.) I crave my own space, even if it's a shared yard! 

There are definitely things I'll miss about Dallas, such as;

1. The Texas "U-Turns" which is the ability to make a left hand turn off an interstate off-ramp at any time, it's hard to explain, but it's awesome.
2. The zoo- I'm sad we're not going to be here in cooler weather to go back to the Fort Worth Zoo, it was awesome.
3. The food.
4. The people- Utahns are nice enough, but Texans are just so sweet to little toddlers and they're so excited to see babies, whereas Utahns seem to cast me this look of "you better keep your kid quiet." Texans are just nice and southern.
5. Shopping- not that I've really been able to shop a lot, so maybe it's a good thing we're leaving, but they have the best malls & even really good thrift shops here.
6. Our Ward- they're really nice, even the older ladies in our ward are so silly & friendly and like to goof off.
7. My gym's daycare. They're so nice to Bridgette, and she really likes the ladies there. Also, there's only about 5 kids in there at a time, whereas gyms in Utah have like 30.

Of course there are reasons I'm excited to go back to Utah, like;
1. You guys : )
2. The Fall! They actually have seasons in Utah, and it's beautiful in the fall
3. The water- Texas water is DISGUSTING! I don't like drinking all bottle water b/c I'm afraid of chemicals that plastic can leach, but that's all I could stomach all summer. They water here tastes/ smells like wet dog meets pond water. YUCK!
4. Dan has conceded that Salt Lake County just might be better than Utah county, it only took me 5 years to convince him. (GO UTES) Although I'm sad about the cute American Fork house we're passing up.
5. Shopping. Texas has cool stores that Utah doesn't but things here are pricier. Utah retailers understand that most of their shoppers priorities aren't $50 cotton t-shirts. Also, in Texas, cheapest place I found to color my hair was $100. That includes Mall Salons. It's crazy, some places here are like $300 +. I'm sure some can afford that, but even if I could I don't think I'd pay it.

So, as you can see, it's a bittersweet move for me. I'm just ready to get it over with. I dread packing, but at least it's mainly clothes and toys. 

We'll be driving through Colorado to visit Dan's family on our way back. It'll be nice to see them & celebrate Dan & Bridgette's birthdays with them. 

I can't believe Bridgette is going to be 2! What a big girl. We're going to start potty training when we get settled into our new place. She tells me every time she has to poop, and updates me when she's done. I think she's ready.

Well, I think this post has covered enough topics. I'll let ya'll know if we find a place to live, and if not, what underpass we'll be sleeping under!

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