Monday, November 28, 2011

Stupid Blogger.

Am I retarded, or is there some tricky way to leave a comment on posts that I'm not bright enough to figure out?

I was going to say to Fats that I don't think Joan's post was about you being selfish and we don't want you to keep what stresses you out to yourself. I think she was just trying to say that as a sibling sometimes we're asked to do service that we may be hesitant to do (b/c of time restriction, inconvenience, cost or whatever) but you never know when you may need something and that's what we're here for, to try and help the best we can. I'm sure Joan LOVED having an extra child for 8 months back in '04, but I appreciate it more that she'll ever know. You never know when you're the answer to someone's prayers!

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. We were going to have dinner @ our house with some friends, but her parent's flew in at the last minute, so we decided to do our own thing. We saw the new "Muppets" movie. It was cute and nostalgic. Bridgette kept saying "where's Cookie Monster?" I totally understand, I kept waiting for Elmo to pop in. Then we just went to dinner later in the afternoon. It was good, nothing fancy, but nice that we could spend it together (and no dishes!!)

It was kind of sad not to be going to Mom & Dad's though. It still hasn't sunk in that we're so far from everyone, and that we're permanently. Our ward is nice, and I try to go to all the activities, but I still haven't really made any friends or anything, so I get kind of lonely.

I try to go to the gym 4 days a week, but lately Bridgette really gets pissed when I bring her to the daycare. She covers her eyes the entire time she's in there! I asked her today why she doesn't like daycare, and she said "because get away from me." But she wasn't telling me to get away, it was like she was saying someone said that to her. That made me really sad to think that kids that small say things like that, especially b/c I know they've probably heard their parents say it. Hopefully she will get over it soon... And hopefully kids are nicer than that normally.

On a lighter note, I can't believe it's almost Christmas! We were going to Colorado, but decided to save the money & driving time, and just stay here. We bought a real Christmas tree last weekend, I haven't had a real one in such a long time! It smells so good, and it's so much prettier than the crap fake one we've used since we got married. I also put a 3ft tree up in Bridgy's room in hopes that she'd be so into that one, she'd leave the big tree alone. We've also been super excited about buying pressies for her. Dan's going nuts; he bought like 4 board games, an xbox game and Barbie doll for her, and he's still going strong. I keep telling him, "look, she doesn't care, just spend all your money on me."  : )

Well, I think this post is going on...and on... I could go on all day about nonsense. I really need to just do better about writing in a journal.

I hope you're all doing ok & that Haley didn't get engaged (ANNE, did she?) b/c I think she's still got some fun single things she needs to do.

BYE! Love you gals!

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