Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I should be doing math.... history ....
but instead I am learning how to dance the DOUGIE and the SPONGE BOB.
I'm awesome!
(@ looking like a dancing monkey. haha)

Bons... I totally understand.
I think everyone lives and learns though.
sometimes family members take advantage - when they don't know they are taking advantage.
I don't think he is trying to take advantage - I think they are struggling.
I understand you wanting vacation time with family.
I see my family on the weekends... that's about the only quality time we have.
I think that all of us have - at one point or another - taken advantage of other family member's time & talents & financial ability w/o meaning to "take advantage".  It's a learning experience.
I am not trying to chastise, I'm just trying to say that we can all empathize w/ Danny's situation.  I think he is trying to make the best of their situation.  He has a darling wife & 3 little one's he is trying to provide for.  I think maybe he is just swimming to stay above water, like we have all done.
I can empathize w/ you also though.....  I understand the "family time".
I think we grew up w/ dad who would have dropped anything to help anyone while on vacation or even when on his "death bed"....  and so maybe we assume sometimes that everyone in our family would push vacation aside to help a family member.
I understand it is a lot of time and $, but sometimes you have to eat up $ to help family.
(I'm not saying at all that you should rush over and do his whole house for free.....  just saying that have a little sympathy for Danny. he could use it right now, just like 90% of us could.)
Just use this as a lesson.... if you are feeling like you are being taken advantage of, it's a good lesson to learn.  I have felt that way, and I know I have taken undo advantage of others before - and I regret it.

Have fun at moms!
love her cooking!!!!
love being w/ her and dad!
their home has a lovely feeling that I miss.....

1 comment:

  1. Well, I am the youngest and most selfish, so I guess it makes sense that this was such a big deal to me and not the rest. Sorry. I'll keep it to myself next time.
