Sunday, July 31, 2011


I really have too much time on my hands and while trolling Facebook/ blogs/ myfamily that none of you have been on there for awhile...

You probably all have fulfilling lives, and better things to do than be online, but I just wanted to make sure that was the case, and that you're not all mourning over something that no one told me about.

Obviously life here is slow, hopefully you ladies are doing well!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Joanie here:

Nellie, so glad you are moving back ~ so sorry for your loss on both tragedies.  You know we love you and keep you in our prayers....
I love this quote:
"When our wagon gets stuck in the mud, God is much more likely to assist the man who gets out to push than the man who merely raises his voice in prayer—no matter how eloquent the oration."
— Dieter F. Uchtdorf
You, Nellie, do this.  You push on --- you get out and push and work for the next great thing to come your way.
“Often the deep valleys of our PRESENT will be UNDERSTOOD only by LOOKING BACK on them from the mountains of our FUTURE experience. Often we can’t see the LORD’S HAND in our lives until long after the trials have passed. Often the most difficult times of our lives are ESSENTIAL building blocks that form the FOUNDATION of ourCHARACTER and pave the way to FUTURE opportunity, understanding, and happiness."
— Dieter F. Uchtdorf

you, Nellie, will look back at this and know that YOU have pressed on and have remembered and have been well educated in your past sorrows... and will be able to comfort those in need of comfort and weep with those in need of weeping... and you will understand them - heart and soul.
(I think all of us Bradford girls are learning things in such a way that other's have not.... it's difficult, but as mom told me once --- because she had been where I was treading, she was able to empathize with me... instead of sympathize for me.  and I loved that--- so will those whom seek help and comfort from you... and Bon... and Annie)

Bons...  breaks my heart that Chloe is having a hard time - she is a cutie pie.  As for the grass edger... when we were in Arizona, Mike would be busy @ the golf course {all of the time} not leaving a lot of extra time for him to do the mowing of the grass which would grow faster than the hair on my legs.  So I took on the job of pushing the lawnmower and making the grass golf course perfect. (ha.  ha.  ha.) then --- came the edging.  If crop circles on the edges of the lawn were in the latest "grass fashion" @ the time, our lawn would have won many awards - flashing signs adorned w/ wreaths of flowers would have covered the crop circles that made their way around the edge of the front of our desert sand colored home (as dad would like to put it).

Needless to say, I for one am not talented with the edger, thus I have been for ever grounded from using this fine machinery any time in this life.
David and I have been rushing Mike through the Harry Potter movies, to which Mike has responded, "this makes almost no sense to me" - his work has rented out 2 movie theaters for their employees to watch the movie for free this weekend.  I kept urging him to just read the books, or @ least check the cd's from the library and listen to them in the car, at work, or at home.  Tonight we watched 2 of them - the last 2.  Dave is obsessed with them - and was my back up while trying to break down the meaning of each segmant I was fast forwarding through..... which was fine, except his explanations tend to carry on - and on - and on - and on..................................  until we finally shush him, to which he has to let at least 10 more words slip out of his lips before his analysis is complete.

after attempting the pool yesterday - and finding no parking spaces (Syd and Dave are getting too "cool" to hit the pool w/ the Pudge and I) my little man and I had a date at the icee bench... which backs up to a ghastly parking lot on one side, and a horendous street on the other.  Still, we sat with our spiderman and lightening McQueen icees and chatted about stuff......

(look at my age spots on my hand.  I swear I am only 38.... my hands would say otherwise)

In my last post I think I sounded unappreciative about living here....  I didn't mean to sound that way at all... they have been absolutely amazing for us - to us and this home.  I just don't want them to think we are overstaying our welcome is all.  It has been over 3 and a half years.  It's truly amazing how time has blinked by.

I walked an uphill path today - listening to classical music and a church album that has 2 songs that I absolustly love.... this path reminds me of Pride and Prejudice.....

I thought it would be lovely to dress in beautiful assembles and stroll up here for a picnic of tea and krumpits, and a nap.  (meanwhile worrying about ticks making their way into our skin..... I'm not paranoid.  I swear it!)

I'm trying.  trying to lose some unwanted fluff - taking my 2 excedrine for back pain every day... switching to diet coke...  not eating past 6 (ok... so 7 is more like it, but who's keeping track.. really.?) -- going for brisk walks and adding a few sprints along the way.

see you.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Well hello.... It was nice to be invited to this little blog :) I like the concept! So I was sad to read your last post, Janell :( I want you to have another baby almost as much as you, I bet. It will happen though.

So, what's new with us? Well, I really don't have many complaints, so I feel kind of bad. Other than Shane working ALL the time, things are great. Poor guy - he works graveyards at US Synthetic. He leaves our house at 10:30 PM, gets done there at 7:30 AM - goes to his carpet jobs, gets home when he's done there. Sleeps until 9:30 - repeats. I have become a "single" person and am now in charge of everything around the house. He taught me how to use the weed-eater last weekend. Now I know why Dad never taught me!!! It's hard!!

We paid off our trailer. It was still in Shane's sister's name since we just took over their payments. Well, they have fallen in to some really hard financial times, so we were almost not able to pay it off/get the title. But we worked it out and that is a LOAD off of our shoulders. The car is next and should be done within about 3 months. This second job has really been a life-saver.

My kids are now going to a sitter in Spanish Fork and I like her WAY more than our first one. Nothing beats free child-care, but this works. Chloe is not used to the other kids yet so she's having a harder time adjusting. It is good for her though. She has to learn how to interact with kids!! It's probably mostly my fault b/c we're homebodies :(

I don't really know what else I'm supposed to talk about on here. I don't like feeling like I'm bragging or having a pity party (NOT IMPLYING ANYTHING ABOUT ANYONE ELSE :P  ) But, a friend of mine keeps telling me that I need to talk abot things with other people so I guess this is good for me!


Nell here...I've been a little MIA. It's been one of those weeks last week, we all have them!

Needless to say, my "no sugar" goal fell by the wayside. But the good thing is, so did my appetite (although what caused the loss of appetite isn't so great.) Anyways, I haven't indulged in much of anything, so I'm on the right track that way...

Since this is basically my sisters, I'll let you know why life's been a rollercoaster (if you don't already know.)

I've been trying to get pregnant for about eight months now, the last four I've been using chlomid (a drug used to induce ovulation.) Every month I take a pregnancy test before using the chlomid again because, like most drugs, you shouldn't take it if you're pregnant. I just used a generic test and saw the faintest positive line, so I took the second one in the pack, which also had a faint line. Could this be true, after so long, could I really be pregnant? So I googled "faint positive pregnancy" and found this great site called which said this particular test had a problem of always giving a faint +. I immediately went to the Dollar store & bought a few tests, and they were all negative. I was a little sad, but kind of expecting it to be negative.

So, Sunday comes and my period still hasn't, and of course, I was at the store early  Monday getting another test. I bought the 3-pack, just in case, took two of them & they were positive! Dan and I were over the moon! Finally! (finally I didn't have to put out so much : P  )

I took the third test two days later (thinking the + line would get darker the more pregnant I was) and the line was barely there. I called my doctor and they had me get my progesterone & HCG levels tested, just to make sure everything was in order.

I was in a happy daze on Thursday when I used the facilities and saw streaks of blood on the tissue. My heart felt like it was yanked from my chest... A few hours later my doctor called and said my HCG was really low, as was my progesterone & I'd need to take progesterone pills. It was too late though.

The next few days sucked. On Friday I found out that due to a mis-communication between Dan and myself our car payment was two weeks late. Usually this is no biggie, but with the type of car loan we had, one used for people with crap credit, they had the option to take the car back if we were late on a payment. And they acted on this option. We tried to negotiate, saying we'll pay 3 months now and put ourselves on autopay, but they weren't flexible at all. So we have to give our car back.

This is depressing, but on the bright side we have enough saved to buy an older used car and not have any car payments. Now, if we can just find that perfect used car that's not a salvage title and has reasonable mileage...

Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer. I'll be better next time, I promise!

Anyways...It's hovering around 105 these days (in Dallas.) The heat makes me want to lay around in my skivvies and eat popsicles all day. I have been forcing myself to put on real clothes and get out of the house to curb any cabin fever/ depression that comes from sitting in a little dark apartment. I've been getting back to my routine of wake, eat, gym, nap and whatever.

I've decided if we don't stay in Texas (we'll go back to UT for now) that I'll start training for a 10K as soon as I get back. I'll try to hit the treadmill here and get over the treadmill boredom! Any suggestions for a good running playlist?

Well, peace out for now!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


it's Joanie again.

trying to get back into the swing of things.
i just got home from a 2 1/2 mile walk/run which felt mighty good.

Mike and I found a lovely home to rent.
Built well over 30 years ago, however the owner has updated most of it w/ new carpet, paint, etc.....
however I think we lost out on it.
I am quite sad.
I thought that this would be our chance to get the perfect rental... right in the perfect spot... a tiny bit over the perfect price.
Maybe we need to stay put - which I am sure Scott and Kaylene might have disagreeing thoughts about, which wouldn't bode well for us, I hope they do understand that we are looking.
This family said they had 20 people wanting the house, they narrowed it down to 2 {then let us come have a looksy} - however she just hasn't gotten back with me.  I am incredibly sad.  I know this is nothing compared to what some of you might be going through, but I really wish for a cute little perfect home for us - @ least by fall.  *sigh*

our paint on our car is peeling even more than it was.  sad.  crazy and sad.

on a good note to end this dramatic - and maybe slightly "pitty party" note.....
I made 2 black frames - antique white today.  Then I found some glass that I almost gave away - cut it to fit PERFECTLY {this never happens} and will make them into dry erase boards for my kids.  I am incrdibly excited about this prospect!

and ....  I have been researching schools to join.  I thought UVU - but I think getting in w/ financial aid might not work this late in the game, so I may just settle for some j-co class to take at night this year, then continue on in the winter.  I do need to get my game on.  I truly do.

That is that.

come now ladies.  write on.
love you!

Friday, July 15, 2011

am I taking over?

am I the only one being naughty?
sneaking in a calorie or 2000?

Kamie flew into phoenix today, so we could have a day of pretending we were still in our 20's - playing in downtown Mesa....  it was fun.  Sad how things change...
bodies are fatter (mine, not hers), stores have changed - sometimes change can make you feel old and wishing for the easier times of leisure and joy, leaving you feeling lost and bewildered as to where time has gone.

Mike and I drove past our old homes a couple of days ago.  Nell, our home by Heather's has faded leaving it looking more like a home that was once a lovely color, into a home that has been sun bleached and wind washed.  

I realized today how unsettled I feel right now.  Utah is not my home, neither is Arizona.
I want to feel settled.  I pray to feel settled, and I don't.
I do not thrive on feeling unsettled.
Nell - you can relate.  Right?
Annie, Fats?
Mike and I talked about how you can never go back - and even if you do, things have changed so drastically that it's just never the same - friends have moved away, people change, kids grow up..
We had a good life here in Arizona.

Our life now isn't as carefree as it was back then.
Shouldn't it be the other way around?
shouldn't your life become easier and more carefree as you grow older?  shouldn't your banks be fuller, more money - more love and knowledge?  shouldn't you feel as if you are unbreakable and nothing can break or tear you down?  shouldn't you have some sort of map that you have already drawn out and you are over the baby steps and are now taking long strides in the right direction?
a lot of "shouldn't" s  .

I want to feel like I have a direction -

I chatted with Mike about what I would do if I went back to school -
I would love to do graphic design, but I'm not competitive enough - and I'm not arrogant enough.

I want to do something I love.  however I don't want to be stuck doing something that would fill my thoughts of pity parties and comparisons.  Rather, I'd like to end the day knowing that I did something unbelievably well - and that I made a change in someone's life.

which would bring me back to teaching OR nursing.....
I'm too crabby when I am tired, thus nursing might not be @ the top of the totum pole of grand ideas...  I always think of Nurse Annie -- who I am sure is just as kind as can be, where as I would most likely dry-heave with the stinky folks, and get annoyed by the dead-beat parents.  (did mom or I ever tell you about the nurse who thought I was a dead beat parent after I had spent 10 days in the hospital with David after his initial brain surgery, to which mom quickly disputed his thoughts and theories - which briskly shut him up.  he became one of my 2 favorite nurses....  I do dislike dead beat parents.)

I am determined to return to where my clothes and bed and couch is @ this moment, which is where I vocally say "home", however spiritually, I do not concur - where when I reach this place in Utah, I will contact a couple of schools to meet with a counselor about my options -find out what math's I do or do not have to take.... and go from there.  I can do this.  I can do this.  repeated over and over again.

that said.
am I taking over this whirlwind blog?
or am I the only one who likes to get out of my mind and on to screen what I may or may not have done/thought/ate... and ate.  and ate....

love you -

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

late nighters....

i did so well yesterday.
small lunch
salad for dinner...
and I'm filling up fast.

we stayed at a resort last night ---- so the kids could spend a day at the water park.  fun!
at 10 pm - Mike decided to order a brownie sunday.  seriously.
and it was so yummy!
today I had a McD's filet-o-fish.  not very tasty.  but.... fish is less fattening, right?  especially when it's fried and dripping in tarter sauce.  I'm failing miserably here, aren't I.
tonight we are hitting dinner w/ some friends from Gilbert.
my pooch was finally starting to disappear 
it's coming back.
I have been sticking to the diet cokes, though yesterday I did have a reg. coke when I ate @ Gecko Grill... oh, I forgot to add that one, guess I didn't eat light all day yesterday.....
I think the diet sodas are igniting my colitus.
where are you Nellie, Annie, and Bons.
am I the only one pondering my weighty matters, ??????
love you gals.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh Nellie
That is hilarious!  did you take photos of the bachelor pad?
I'm sitting in a crowded hotel room.
My kids are slowly going to sleep and I am up at 10:22 wondering if I should go down to the hotel gym until 11 to run on the treadmill, but thoughts of Hester the molester coming in there are scaring me away.

you should see our poor tall skinny concierge.  he tries to make jokes while pushing his thick rimmed glasses up off his nose, but the sad attempt falls like ashes into a flaming fire.  He doesn't know any of the surrounding areas, and we could NOT check in until EXACTLY 4 o'clock.  not one second sooner....  seriously.... I am trying to think of a character that he resembles.  maybe Urckle, in a grown - white boy's body.  that's it!  Minus the tape on the bridge of his glasses.  Poor boy.

We went to Lego-land today.
while getting our tickets to enter the park, a man w/ his little toddler were in front of us buying their tickets.  He had an italian accent, so I turned to Sydney and said, "hey, that guy has a cool accent... he's from Italy"..
which later translated to:
"hey.  we were standing in line and mom pointed out an Italian guy to me because she thought he was HOT".
Mike approached me about checking out all the hot italian men at the park.....
she was trying to get me into trouble!
he wasn't hot.  and Mike could care less.
ok, the accent kinda was.   kind of.
ok.  British is the best.
tell Dan the Man he's got to start speaking in his native tongue.

We walked .... a baby could have crawled faster than we walked - around Lego - Land today..  Mike says that we walked for 7 hours, that should count as a good work out.  I laughed.  I had a total of 1 1/4 hamburgers today and a whole thing of fries... a diet coke and a nasty bagel.  (this hotel has the worst breakfast bar ever.)
also chips and guac.  so basically I ate 3000 calories.  ugh.
I have anxiety.  I think it's the counting calories that is adding to my anxiety - I know I shouldn't be counting on vacation, but I am.  Plus in Arizona I have to hit Gecko Grill!  and Sweet Cakes.
and there is no way I will be running there - 98 degrees at 6 in the morning is not pleasant.  really.  it's not.
{am I a wimp or what}
Needless to say... I need to see a psychiatrist or something..  someone to help with my anxiety, another someone to hypnotize me so I won't eat yucky food, and someone to just pour out my stresses to - who will have all the answers and will know exactly what I need to do - my next step in life.

Syd had a stomach ache @ Lego-land so I told her to go and gag herself.  and then I remembered how mom thought you were either anorexic or bulimic at one point and wanted to take back what I told her.... she just turned to me and said, "MOTHER!  GROSS!!!"   no worries there.

here is my fave of you and Bridgy:
I should go on the Bridgy diet.
swim in my cereal's milk as it runs down my leg into my chair.... because the spoon can't stay at a strait angle w/ both milk and cereal in it.....
eat the entire watermelon
and lots of chocolate.
she's got a cute figure and looks amazing in a bikini!  lol

the family has shut off all lights.
I guess that's my cue to hit the hay.

wish us luck in our drive to toasty Phoenix tomorrow.
should be fun.
so far the kids haven't had an all out boxing match....
and no bad gas -
just a lot of rolling eyes.
a lot of "how much longer"s
that's about it.  not so bad.

the paint on the top of my car is pealing.
and of course the dealership won't fix it.
pretty soon my new car will be more silver or gray than white.

not that that has anything to do with my kids
or the price of eggs

which has nothing to do with anything.

love you.
miss you.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Getting back into it.

It's been four days since I returned from the family reunion.  

I came home to a complete bachelor pad. We only brought certain essentials with us to Texas, which didn't include curtains, our king size bed or decor. While I was gone, Dan got the great idea that placing the mattress directly on the floor would help his back, so I walked into our room with a mattress on the floor & a blanket thumb tacked over the window. 

What would men do without women. I explained that I don't enjoy reliving my college living experience especially being 30 and having been married for 5 years. It looks like we live in a crack house. 

He's going to put the bed back together this  week. He said it didn't help his back anyways.

It's so hard to get back into the swing of things! I always need a vacation from my vacation.  

Before the trip I was going to the gym 5 - 6 days a week, but my diet was total crap. I also liked my pre-vacation routine, up at 9, gym from 10:30-12, lunch, naps... That sounds really lazy, I know. We're in Texas just for the summer, and I only know one other person (other than Dan.) So, I decided It'll be lots of me & Bridgy time, just lazy and easy. 

 Since I've returned I hadn't eaten sugar or bread (carb overdose on the trip) but getting back to the gym is killin me! The heat is so exhausting. I wake up, step outside, and just want to take a nap--pronto! It always seems like it's one or the other--diet or fitness. I've read and I know that weight loss/ maintenance is 80-90% diet, and the rest physical effort. So I need to shape up or ship out! 

I forced myself to workout twice though. I put the treadmill on incline level 15 and walked for 1/2 an hour at 4mph. I also decided to do a "standing pilates" video, which sounded easy enough. Then, little skittle decided she wanted to "dance" too, but wanted me to hold her while I "danced." So, 20 minutes of standing pilates holding a 25 lb toddler- that's a good little workout!

This week I've decided NO SUGAR. No candy, syrup, white bread, etc... Sugar is my achilles heel. I would probably have reached my "pre-baby" weight long ago if it weren't for sadistic sugar! Let's see how that goes! 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Hacking Mom's computer.. would say Mom and Dad's, however ... since dad has doesn't even know what "google" is, that would just be unfair to mom.  ;)   How is it that he can build his own coffin, however when it comes to getting on a computer -----  nothing.  Good thing we adore that man, right?

So --- yesterday I was doing amazing with eating.
it's hard to travel and stay on track with a diet.

then we stopped @ Wingers for dinner.
I offered subway, Mike gawked at me.  kidding.. He just mentioned that he really just wanted to sit and be served...  Not really.  He just wanted some decent food.
I could have been the next ad campaign for Sub-way.

I had chicken on the burger instead of beef.  that counts for something, right?
and then went on to NOT devour all the fries.
$1 desert night...
and I had a total of 3 -- kind of big bites.

there you go.
{should I add on my diet coke.  ?  switching to diet has promised me a sarcastic look from my Mike and a drink of zero calories. - I'll take the zero and the sarcastic looks.}

Dad was up when we got here at 9 - mom was off in slumberville.  He was a zombie - chatted with me and had a small bowl of chocolate ice cream (will I get him into trouble for mentioning that?)  I am not so sure he will remember that we had a conversation - he looked THAT tired.  He mentioned to me that the prior night he couldn't sleep so he went out to the shed to work.  .........  That can not be safe.  Heavy machinery on no sleep?  Isn't that cause for death?  Major injury?  Mom needs to lock up that shed and hide the key so he can only be out there during safe hours.

we are off to San Diego.
Love you.