Sunday, July 10, 2011

Getting back into it.

It's been four days since I returned from the family reunion.  

I came home to a complete bachelor pad. We only brought certain essentials with us to Texas, which didn't include curtains, our king size bed or decor. While I was gone, Dan got the great idea that placing the mattress directly on the floor would help his back, so I walked into our room with a mattress on the floor & a blanket thumb tacked over the window. 

What would men do without women. I explained that I don't enjoy reliving my college living experience especially being 30 and having been married for 5 years. It looks like we live in a crack house. 

He's going to put the bed back together this  week. He said it didn't help his back anyways.

It's so hard to get back into the swing of things! I always need a vacation from my vacation.  

Before the trip I was going to the gym 5 - 6 days a week, but my diet was total crap. I also liked my pre-vacation routine, up at 9, gym from 10:30-12, lunch, naps... That sounds really lazy, I know. We're in Texas just for the summer, and I only know one other person (other than Dan.) So, I decided It'll be lots of me & Bridgy time, just lazy and easy. 

 Since I've returned I hadn't eaten sugar or bread (carb overdose on the trip) but getting back to the gym is killin me! The heat is so exhausting. I wake up, step outside, and just want to take a nap--pronto! It always seems like it's one or the other--diet or fitness. I've read and I know that weight loss/ maintenance is 80-90% diet, and the rest physical effort. So I need to shape up or ship out! 

I forced myself to workout twice though. I put the treadmill on incline level 15 and walked for 1/2 an hour at 4mph. I also decided to do a "standing pilates" video, which sounded easy enough. Then, little skittle decided she wanted to "dance" too, but wanted me to hold her while I "danced." So, 20 minutes of standing pilates holding a 25 lb toddler- that's a good little workout!

This week I've decided NO SUGAR. No candy, syrup, white bread, etc... Sugar is my achilles heel. I would probably have reached my "pre-baby" weight long ago if it weren't for sadistic sugar! Let's see how that goes! 

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