Thursday, August 18, 2011


Well, things are going well. Not bad anyway - that means 'well', yes? 

I'm STILL working. Shane is STILL working TWO jobs, 5 days (if not 6) a week. The kids are STILL going to daycare in Spanish Fork. That is going better at least. And, I think I figured out why Chloe had/has a hard time going. The babysitter actually disciplines her! I love it. Everyone else who has watched her has been too nice (sorry guys....). She HAS to have people tell her "no" and punish her one way or another. She really likes Chloe and is so nice with Adam. It's comforting to know that they are at least being treated well if I can't be the one watching them.

I will say, I think Shane is finally seeing that when we have more kids, I can't work. So, we may be waiting a little bit before #3 to make sure we're at a place where that's possible. Other things might have to take a back seat, but that's ok. 

I don't know how moms can have social lives. Maybe it's just because I am never with my kids, but I do everything I can to avoid leaving the house when I can be with them. The couple of times I have been invited out, it is so hard for me to say "yes"! *sigh* Oh well. But - just so you know, anytime I ever seem hesitant to hang out, it is because I only get to BE with my kids for about 2-3 hours a day and would really rather be playing with them than with anyone else :)

Joan, I'm sorry you can't find a job. There are too many people out there - and it's always the person you're pitted against that has some ridiculous, unfair advantage. It is ruthless. I wish I knew of some awesome hook up, but I don't... unless you want to come be tech support with a bunch of smelly (seriously) boys?!

Janell, very excited you are coming back. Chloe has been talking about you and Bridgette lately. It's funny. It really just started coming out of nowhere!! Sad that you want to be in SL County though :(  I have decided that city life is not for me! I can't wait for the day that we can move to some po-dunk little town and not have to worry about traffic or .... people for that matter (it's no secret that I'm not a "people person"!) 
Hopefully, if you are up there, it won't keep you from coming down often. 

Anne, I want to come visit again! You're always so busy with life though... But Chloe does love visiting you and your family!

Sorry everyone. I never have that much to say. My woes and wishes are pretty minuscule compared to everything else going on the world.... 

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